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Breathe Again: It's not just a Toni Braxton song.

Writer's picture: hOMe StaffhOMe Staff

(Guest Blog Contributor: Stephanie Owsiany)

Ok let’s all take a minute and just breathe. Sit up straight, push your shoulders back,

pull in as much air as you can through your nose, then let it all out through your mouth.

Repeat. As much as needed, repeat. If you have a bottle of Frankincense handy, grab

that, put a drop in your hand, rub your hands together, cup your nose, and continue

breathing. This, in my humble opinion, must be what heaven is like. I strongly

encourage you to try it.

Is it just me or do the holidays leave you feeling like maybe you forgot to breathe for

about a month? We had a relatively low key holiday this year, yet I still felt a little like I

was lost in a cloud trying to remember who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing for

about a week after Christmas. We were first dealt the stomach bug earlier in December,

which hit our son first and then our daughter. My husband and I were spared, thankfully.

I was loading up on Thieves, Ningxia Red, Vitamin C and drinking as much water as my

body would allow. Then a round of cold and snot germs came in right before Christmas

and we actually spent half our day at home when we would have traveled to see family,

my husband and I each taking a turn with our sick son. That whole week I felt like I was

keeping the cold at bay, but by the Sunday after Christmas it took me down. I learned,

yet again, that when I slack in my wellness routine, I end up feeling not so well. So I

spent a day in bed and was forced to take things much slower than I really wanted to. I

always think I will welcome some kind of break, but apparently I am wired in such a way

that breaks tend to be forced on me, because I don’t actually take them when I could. I

blame this on motherhood. I used to be perfectly content doing nothing, watching TV for

days, ordering takeout, and letting laundry pile up. Now I have all these responsibilities

that talk to me when I try to so much as sit down and read….

But back to breathing. Entering into January has been a slow and curious process. I

have been feeling this resistance to some of the customs that we associate with the

new year. You know, resolutions, new beginnings, do-overs. And while I have probably

always resisted these promises to some extent, because they’re just so cliché and

ridiculous, I felt an especially strong urge to run the opposite way from this type of

thought this year. Which is what is curious to me. Why don’t I want to do better,

improve, make plans, go all-in for whatever? I actually spent a good bit of time this past

year making commitments, setting goals, striving to do better and make changes. So

part of me expected that I would up the ante a bit for the new year and stay on that

path. Instead, what I’m discovering is: acceptance. No longer judging where I am and

where I think I should be. In fact, there is no should. There just is. Where I am is where I

am, right where I’m supposed to be. As so are you, my friend.

It has felt quite uncomfortable for the past few weeks as I’ve just sort of sat with this non-doing state.

Just being. Resting, reading. Not thinking obsessively over what is next, what is my career, where do I focus, what am I doing wrong. Rather, taking each day as it comes, trying not to figure everything out. Knowing that hard moments will pass, soaking in moments of true joy. Spending that time with my son when he asks me to stay in his bed until he falls asleep. Saying yes to my daughter when her face lights up, asking me if I want to play her. The pull to just be present has been strong, and for that I am so grateful. A reminder to pay attention to what is right in front of me.

In the midst of these moments I am grabbing my oils, because it’s a habit I’ve developed. One of them is called Breathe Again, and it helped me through that second bout of germs I mentioned. As I rubbed it on my chest, I took deep breaths. This blend not only strengthened my body where I was weak, it also reminded me of the importance of breathing. Again. And again. And again. Coming back to me, my breath, fully present in all that surrounds me. I needed that help both physically and emotionally, since not only do essential oils support my body, making my systems

stronger and better able to function, but they allow me to create healthy habits that I

have come to rely on. Habits that serve a purpose in the wellness of my mind, body and

spirit. So remember to breathe, using your lungs, aided by your oils.

All of us are on a journey, a certain unique individual path. I believe that where life takes

us is all part of a bigger plan. Wherever you are on your journey, I encourage you to

embrace it, all of it. I say this from a place of new acceptance in my own life, after

spending a great deal of time and energy fighting and doing everything in my power to

not accept certain things in my life, because I didn’t want them to be that way. While my

instincts want to fight, instead I must surrender. And when I do, I can breathe again.

I look forward to sharing with you again soon and diving deeper into the role that

essential oils play in aiding us with our emotions. Until then, wishing you all peace, love

and light.

Guest Blog Contributor: Stephanie Owsiany

Beginning to use oils catapulted Stephanie into a new world of health and wellness. She sought out the highest quality oils she could find to use for health and wellness and has made significant changes in her and her family’s lifestyle in just a few years. Because of what she has learned and how their lives have improved, she has a passion to share this way of life with all who seek change and a healthy lifestyle. She has learned from more experienced oil users, aromatherapists, nutritionists, and holistic and wellness gurus throughout her journey. Additionally, she continues to take classes, research and experiment as often as possible to increase her knowledge. Stephanie has retail items for sale at hOMePYM and offers workshops at hOMePYM and other local venues.

FB: Stephanie Alison | IG: ostephaniealison | YL# 11099898 |

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